Roy I. Davidovitch, MD

Dr. Davidovitch received his subspecialty training in the field of Orthopaedic Trauma and Hip and Pelvis Reconstruction at Harvard Medical School. He completed the prestigious NYU Langone’s Hospital for Joint Diseases Orthopaedic Surgery residency program where he was awarded the Frauenthal Award for Excellence in Clinical Research. Dr. Davidovitch completed his medical degree at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine and upon graduation was given the University of Chicago Award for Outstanding Performance in Research in the General Field of Surgery.
In recognition of Dr. Davidovitch's pioneering work in rapid recovery and outpatient hip replacement surgical techniques, Dr. Davidovitch was named the NYU School of Medicine Julia Koch Endowed Professor in Orthopedic Surgery by Mrs. Julia Koch. The endowed professorship helps to fund Dr. Davidovitch’s studies to further the advancement of hip preservation and hip replacement surgery. Dr. Davidovitch has published and lectured extensively on the anterior approach total hip replacement at local and national academic meetings.
Dr. Davidovitch was the first surgeon in New York City to perform the minimally invasive Anterior Approach Total Hip Replacement (also known as Direct Anterior Total Hip Replacement) and has since successfully performed over 5,000 of these procedures, many of them on an outpatient basis. The goal of the anterior approach total hip replacement is to improve on the short term recovery of total hip replacement by making it less painful and less cumbersome as well as allow for a near normal functional level in an accelerated fashion. Read more about the Anterior Approach Hip Replacement here.
Unlike other approaches to the hip, the Anterior Hip Replacement is truly a minimally invasive approach since the major stabilizing tendons and muscles of the hip are not typically cut during the procedure. The Anterior Approach Total Hip Replacement is best performed on a specially designed surgical table such as the Hana Table. Utilizing his vast experience in anterior approach total hip replacement, Dr. Davidovitch co-designed the RotexTable for total hip replacement which has now become his preferred table in most surgical procedures involving the hip. The innovative RotexTable is the only fully automated orthopaedic table and is fully controlled by the operating surgeon without the need for an outside assistant.
Among other clinical and academic responsibilities, Dr. Davidovitch has established the outpatient joint replacement program at NYU Langone Orthopedic Hospital which has surpassed 1,000 outpatient joint replacements with excellent results. Through innovative surgical techniques and advanced opiate sparing protocols along with close cooperation with anesthesia and nursing, patients are recovering nicely in their own homes the day of surgery. You can read more about Dr. Davidovitch’s innovative outpatient hip replacement program in this article from the Wall Street Journal.
Dr. Davidovitch also focuses on the care of the Young Adult and Athletes with Hip Pain. As such, Dr. Davidovitch performs a variety of specialized hip preserving surgical procedures such as Hip Arthroscopy (for the treatment of Labrum tears and Femoral Acetabular Impingement), Pelvic Osteotomy (PAO or Ganz Osteotomy) for the treatment of hip dysplasia, treatment of Avascular Necrosis of the Hip, and repair of tendon injuries around the hip (i.e. gluteus medius, hamstring, rectus Femoris).
As a fellowship-trained Orthopaedic Trauma surgeon, Dr. Davidovitch gained extensive experience in the treatment of complex Pelvic and Acetabulum Fractures, repair of Non-Unions of Hip Fractures and treatment of complex Hip and Femur Fractures. Dr. Davidovitch has a particular interest in the treatment of the young adult with a hip fracture. Direct hospital transfers to the NYU Langone’s Hospital for Joint Diseases for treatment of the above injuries are accepted in most cases pending insurance clearance and surgeon availability.
Potential patients are invited to contact Dr. Davidovitch directly via email with any relevant questions at: [javascript protected email address]